Invoicing & Payments

An easy way to keep the financial records for your massage business in order (especially for tax time).
Invoicing is one of those daily admin tasks you have to do, but very sneakily, it takes up a lot of your time. Massage therapists spend 25 minutes per day (on average) writing invoices and processing payments.

It doesn’t seem like much initially, but this adds up to over 2 hours per week! And your time is definitely better spent elsewhere - like earning more money by taking on an additional appointment or two, or taking some time each week to treat yourself.

How ClinicSense invoices work…

When an appointment is booked, an invoice is automatically created.
All you have to do is open the invoice and click the “Add Payment” button to indicate that the appointment has been paid for.
Choose from several different payment methods, including, but not limited to: cash, credit, gift certificates, insurance, and even charge a card with Square.
Easily split payments between two or more payment methods (i.e. cash and insurance).
Finally, print the receipt - or even better - email it to the client.
All of your invoices and payments will populate your reports so that you get full insight into how your business is performing.

Collect what’s owed to you…

Sometimes, the situation presents itself where a client leaves without paying for full. One common example of this is they expect insurance will pay for a portion.
But what happens if it turns out that insurance didn’t cover the treatment? You don’t want to have to wait until the client books their next appointment to collect payment.
With ClinicSense, you can email a client an invoice that has an amount due and they can pay it online!

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