Email Marketing & Promotions

An easy way to stay in touch with clients - whether that’s for a newsletter, promotion, or updates about your business.
Email plays a huge role in any business these days, especially service based businesses. You want to keep your clients up to date about changes to your business, promotions you’re offering, and sending out helpful information like self-care tips.

If you’re not engaging with your customers via email, ClinicSense gives you that chance. And if you’re already spending money on an email marketing program, you can save some money by consolidating programs and using ClinicSense to send your newsletters.

How our email campaigns work…

Customize the look of every campaign you send with our integrated image library.
Write your message and send yourself a test copy.
Once it’s good to go, click send to message all of your clients.
ClinicSense will handle all of the email unsubscribe requirements for you.

Download the Massage Bookings Booster™

3 Tried & Tested Email Marketing Scripts To Create A Steady Stream of Clients